USAAF A-2 Flying Jacket 352nd Fighter Group
In homage to one of the greatest fighter units of all time, we are proud to offer the 352nd Fighter Group “Blue Noser” A-2 Flight Jacket. After interviewing several members of the 352nd, we were able to examine their original A-2 Jackets, which were famously modified with interior canvas pockets. One jacket, in particular, worn by 2nd Lt. Carleton “Bud” Fuhrman, was made by the Monarch Mfg. Co., thus we decided to produce this jacket type and copy the pocket details found in Bud’s jacket in this special reproduction of a 352nd A-2 Jacket.
As the air war in Europe escalated, Allied air missions were flying deeper into enemy territory. Because of this, pilots were becoming more at risk to being shot down and captured; accordingly, an increasing array of innovative escape and evasion survival equipment was being issued to them. Stowage was limited within the flying clothing for the ever-increasing equipment issues, thus the pilots had their A-2 Jackets modified by adding two extra inside pockets. The inside pockets are what is known as “rigger modifications:” Occasionally, certain flying clothing needed to be modified to better suit the wearer and his needs and the parachute shop where the parachute riggers worked was the place; riggers used sewing machines to repair various parachute equipment – hence “rigger modification.”
Made to the highest degree of authenticity, we have reproduced the 352nd Monarch A-2 using our premium-grade WarHorse® horsehide. We use the same quality Olive Drab canvas as was used on Bud’s jacket; as you will see from the detailed images, the pocket stitching goes right through both the lining and leather shell, just as it does on Bud’s original A-2.
These pockets are purely utilitarian and not meant as fashion as you will see from the detailed ‘Close-Up’ images on the page link on this web site. Further identifying the uniqueness of this special A-2 model, every jacket is stenciled in the back of the lining with correct wartime flight jacket stencil of the ‘352nd FTR GRP.’ This is the only A-2 Jacket we offer with interior pockets, made the way it was really done for actual combat operations in the Big League of aerial warfare in WWII. No other model is available with optional interior pockets and no other style of pockets is available.
This product is officially endorsed by the 352nd Fighter Group Pilots’ Association. Special thanks go to 352nd veterans: Robert ‘Punchy’ Powell and Carlton ‘Bud’ Fuhrman. Thanks are also extended to Mark Hamel, 352nd Ftr. Gp. historian: this special A-2 project is a testament to their invaluable help.
This A-2 Jacket is custom order only. Sizes available: 36-48 regular. Long and extra-long fittings available at no additional cost on custom order only. Please see our SIZING TIPS for advice on how to get the correct fit.
Imported from England

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*Price includes
U. S. customs duty,
processing fees, currency-
conversion fees and
shipping & insurance from
the manufacturer to the USA.
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